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Express Rates are up to 25 percent less than the industry average

AUSTIN, Texas — (Dec. 10, 2014) – LSO, formerly Lone Star Overnight, a leading regional small parcel carrier, today announced innovative service features for its customers along with new 2015 published rates. And, in an environment of industry pressures to increase pricing, LSO continues to provide excellent value versus the global package carriers, especially for express delivery offerings. LSO’s express services provide savings up to 25 percent compared to the global carriers.

LSO’s commitment to providing the best value for shipping is unparalleled in the industry. In 2015, many businesses will find Ground shipping rates will increase dramatically as the two major global carriers will move to dimensional weight pricing structures.  Dimensional weight pricing is a common industry practice that sets the shipping price based on package volume – the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight.  The two major global carriers will now assess dimensional weight shipping to all Ground shipments, thus, burdening the customer with a huge shipping price increase.

“Shippers should be prepared to get Super-Sized pricing by the other global carriers,” said LSO’s CEO, Rick Jones. “Whether they are aware of it or not, in 2015, shippers may see up to a 30 percent increase in their overall cost to ship.  To counter this huge price shift, LSO developed a customer service campaign, called DIMRelief, to educate and assist customers in making the most cost-effective choice in Ground shipping – whether they choose LSO or not.”

LSO is the only small parcel carrier in the Southwest that will retain a dimensional exception for Ground shipping; that is, all packages of one cubic foot and less will be exempt from dimensional pricing and will only be billed at their actual weight. LSO has continued to improve operationally and innovate throughout 2014 allowing the company to continue to provide excellent shipping value versus the global carriers.

“At LSO, we understand that in order for our customers to remain competitive, we have to be flexible right along with them. Some shippers will be squeezed by pending rate hikes by other carriers,” said LSO’s CEO Rick Jones. “LSO is providing an option to these customers now. We know that packages that are less than one cubic foot represent the majority of the most common box sizes, and, by selecting LSO, customers can continue shipping these parcels rates based on physical weight, not dimensional weight in 2015.”

The new dimensional rating programs imposed by the major global carriers will create a tremendous change in the way shippers manage their small Ground parcel deliveries.

“At LSO, we implore customers to be proactive now and not wait for the sticker shock,” added Jones. “Customers should evaluate customer delivery networks and their carrier portfolio to review for impending price increases allowing them to make changes as necessary to contain costs.”

As part of the education campaign, LSO is offering customers a DIM Relief kit. To secure the kit, simply visit LSO.com/DIMRelief.  Or for more details on LSO’s rates and services email us at [email protected], visit www.lso.com or call 1-800-800-8984.

In 2015, LSO will continue its long tradition of new service offerings designed to meet the needs of its customers operating in an ever-changing market place.  In the first quarter of 2015, LSO will initiate a C.O.D. service, providing customers a “collect on delivery” service option. For more details on LSO’s rates and services, please visit www.lso.com or call 1-800-800-8984.

About LSO

LSO, a leading regional parcel carrier founded in 1991, is headquartered in Austin, Texas and offers a full range of next-day, day-definite guaranteed deliveries. LSO has among the highest reliability records and lowest damage rates in the industry offering  competitive rates throughout Texas, Oklahoma, western Louisiana, eastern New Mexico and, through partnerships, California, the western US and Mexico. LSO provides live customer support and flexible shipping solutions. For more information, visit www.ShipLSO.com or call 1-800-800-8984.

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